H: Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rhododendron Propagation Group Forming

Propagation Group Forming


A new special interest group is forming within the Mass Chapter, called the Propagation Group.  It will be similar in some ways to two previously active groups: the Rhododendron Propagation Group, and the Species Study Group.  It will focus primarily, but not necessarily exclusively on growing rhododendrons from seed.  Other genera (e.g., magnolias), other methods (e.g., cuttings) and other activities (e.g., hybridizing) are other possible topics of discussion and activity, but the primary focus will be on growing rhododendrons from seed.  The group will meet once a month or so at a day and time to be determined by the group. 


The purposes of this group are to share information, experiences, seeds and plants.  The focus will be on growing rhododendrons from seed.  One pinch of rhododendron seed can produce enough plants to populate half the average sized garden.  By combining resources, we will reduce the work and increase the variety of plants available to each of us.  Group orders of seeds (and plants) are a possibility.


All ARS members are welcome, whether you have never seen a rhododendron seed, or you have been growing from seed all your life.  No one should feel that they don't know enough to join this group, as we will be starting with the basics.  The group will be designed to support and learn from one another.  Conversely, those who are more experienced will benefit from access to seeds and plant material perhaps not easily available, as well as the camaraderie of people with the same interests.  Experienced people will be asked to present to the group, sharing their hard-won knowledge.


If you have never tried it, you will be surprised at how easy it is.  It is possible to get blooms in as little as 2 years on some types.  There is nothing like seeing blooms for the first time on rhododendrons you have grown from seed!


My interest is in species rhododendrons and primary crosses, especially those with indumentum or otherwise outstanding foliage.  Others will have a different focus – creating a hardy yellow, growing 50 Rhododendron maximums to line their driveway, rock garden-sized plants, etc.  All interests can be accommodated.


Why grow from seed? 

·        It is easy to do, requiring little equipment & materials, most/all of which members already have.

·        You can grow special plants not available by any other means.

·        You can develop something new and unique – perhaps worthy of registration.

·        You can grow lots of plants very cheaply – to fill your garden, share with friends, etc.

·        It is so much fun, it is often addictive!


I'll be giving a brief presentation regarding this group at our September chapter meeting. 

If you are interested in joining, or want more information, please e-mail or call me, or talk to me at the September 19 Chapter meeting.


The kickoff meeting will be held at my house Tuesday, October 9, 7:30 PM.  On the agenda will be a discussion of the goals and activities the group will undertake.  This will be a good time to have your ideas heard.  Time permitting, I'll be giving an overview of growing rhododendrons from seed and provide a demo.  Those who wish can join in and sow a pot or two of seeds themselves.  Materials and seed will be provided. 


Joe Bruso

Home Tel: 508-435-8217

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