H: Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mass. Chapter ARS Announcements

Hope you all enjoyed summer, and that your gardens have survived the recent drought.  Thankfully, the drought seems to have come to an end.




Chapter Meeting:  Next week marks the beginning of our chapter's program year.  Our first meeting is at the Waltham Field Station, Wednesday, September 19, 7:30 PM.  We have a full agenda, which includes an orientation towards new members.  If you are new, or haven't attended meetings in the past, this is a good opportunity to get an overview of all of your chapter's activities.  The main speakers will be John & Sally Perkins who will present an overview of species rhododendrons.  Please see the latest Newsletter for details on all activities for this meeting. 


Donated Plant Sale:  We will hold our annual Donated Plant Sale at next week's chapter meeting. We will have a good assortment of rhododendrons and companion plants for sale, including held-over Van Veen and P4M plants, now larger with a summer's growth.  Prices will be very reasonable, with funds to benefit a good cause.

Please bring your extra rhododendrons, and dig up some perennial divisions or volunteers that others will appreciate.  Those that have volunteered to grow-on P4M plants, please bring a few to this sale.


Propagation Group:  I'm organizing a new group whose activities will center on propagating rhododendrons from seed.  Details will go out in a separate e-mail.  I'll also give a brief presentation at next week's chapter meeting.


Correction:  The P4M group will NOT meet on September 29, as listed in the back of the latest Newsletter.


E-mail Updates:  Please remember to send me your new e-mail address, should it change.  We expect that this mode of communication will become increasingly important in the future, as it will allow more timely contacts, and reduce our chapter's costs.


Joe Bruso


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