Van Veen Order 2008
It's time to submit your Van Veen order for delivery in April, 2008. This is the first year we will do (almost) everything electronically.
Attached is a spreadsheet with the Van Veen plants available for ordering. I've added in plants that are new this year, and are so marked. I didn't research the hardiness, bloom time, height, etc. on the new ones (otherwise you might never see this list!). So you'll have to look up the ones you are interested in yourself.
Please read the following overview and directions, as some details have changed this year.
· Each year, the Massachusetts Chapter submits a group order to Van Veen Nurseries of Portland Oregon, a wholesale grower, to take advantage of a volume discount.
· These plants are mostly yearlings from rooted cuttings. These are high quality plants at an excellent price. They arrive un-potted and need to be simply potted up or planted into a "nursery" area for ease of watering the first 1-2 years.
· Many plants will have a limited supply and will be distributed on a first-ordered first-served basis, so there is an advantage to mailing your order early (the postmark date governs).
· Attached you will find a spreadsheet with the list of available plants.
o The first tab (Plants) contains the list of all available plants, categorized in the usual way - Hybrids, species, azaleas, and within hybrids and azaleas by color. The hybrids in the catalog are grouped by color with hardiness, bloom time, type, size and hybridizer information provided.
o The second tab (Code Keys) contains the keys to the codes used on the first tab.
· I've set Autofilter on, which will allow you to filter, for example, only those plants hardy to -10F. To use it, click the down arrow above the desired column and select the desired category. This will show you only those that have the value selected.
· Submit your order to me via E-mail using my address below. List the plants you want and the quantity. If you are ordering a species with more than one variety (R. yakushimanum, for example), make sure you specify the variety. Listing plants alphabetically will help me with data entry.
· Include the following information:
o Full Name
o Mailing Address
o Phone Number
o Whether you can help out with the distribution
· Prices:
o Hybrids: $4
o Species: $5
o Azaleas: $3.50
o Shipping & packing materials: $1.45 per plant in addition to plant cost.
· Return the Order Form to me by 12/1. Send no money until you receive an invoice from me. The invoices will be sent sometime after the first of the year based on confirmation of plant availability from Van Veen. The plants will be available for pickup in April. Notification of the pickup date will be provided with the invoices and in the Newsletter. Distribution will once again be at the Hunnewell barn in
· There will be a 2 or 3 plant minimum order quantity per plant type for the group order as a whole. You don't necessarily have to order this many per type yourself in order to receive the plant, since if others order the same type, the minimum will be met. However, to increase your chances of getting a particular type you really desire, especially if it isn't one of the more "popular" varieties, you may want to order 2-3 yourself.
· As usual, I plan on having a number of extra plants available for purchase when you pick up your order. I'll also have a selection of larger (2 y.o.) plants.
Return your completed order form by
Joe Bruso
Notes to newer members:
· For lists of plants that will do exceptionally well in our area, I suggest you refer to our chapter's "Proven Performers" list and also the list of the late Dick Brooks' favorite plants published in the Spring/Summer 2003 issue of The Rosebay.
· A primer on how to successfully raise small plants to landscape size will be on-hand.
As in previous years, volunteers will be needed to assist in distributing the plants in April. This involves spending a few hours on Saturday morning of the distribution weekend. If you are able to help, please let me know when you return your order.
If you have any questions please call me at 508-435-8217 (evenings and weekends) or E-Mail me at
Joe Bruso
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