H: Saturday, June 02, 2007

ARS Globe Article for 2008

<<At the request of our Susan Harding, this note is being distributed to our Chapter Members.  Joe Bruso >>

ARS Globe Article for 2008


Dear members,


A funny thing happened as I was writing the presidents message yesterday. I got a call (it was May 30) from Carol Stocker, the former gardening feature writer for the Boston Globe. She had been talking to Betty Carlhian about doing an article for the Truss Show next year. They realized that pictures had to be taken immediately, before all the blooms faded, to have some ready for next spring. Carol also discovered that the photography studio at the paper was only available one day this week and that was the next day. Despite the last minute nature of the request, she called to see if we could bring into the Globe about 10 trusses showing great variety and contrast. These would be used as the basis for the article which would appear just before our big show in 2008.


This task turned out to be very easy, because we have the perfect neighbor. I called George Hibben, who lives just a few miles from us. He said that his garden was at its very peak as we spoke. It would be easy to take a dozen trusses that afternoon and have them ready for the next day.


Doug and I had a fabulous tour of his rhodies the next morning, and his hillside was bursting with colorful flowers. Then we drove to the Globe with at least 13 different trusses, all carefully labeled. As we were waiting in the lobby everyone passing by exclaimed at how lovely they looked. The editor just drooled and was absolutely delighted that we were not waiting to take them home with us afterwards. She had bouquets in her eyes.


We want to thank all involved. It was a great example of thinking ahead to spread the word about our Society, teamwork, and being willing to jump right in. Enjoy the later rhodies!


Susan and Doug


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