The Founders Day Dinner featured a talk from Steve Hootman on his trips to China.
The 2011 Cross of the Year were as follows:
Rhododendron calendulaceum 'Cherokee' X 'Lady Roseberry'
'Hachmann's Polaris' X 'Olin O'Dobbs'
(vernicosum X smirrnowii) X 'Point Defiance'
Don Brophy, Doug and Susan Harding, and Joe Bruso each received a seedling that had been ploidy tested by the Portugal based research team. The seedlings were as follows:
[Rhododendron calendulaceum "Skinner #166' X Rhododendron calendulaceum'Cherokee'] (Tested as 4X)
[viscosum glaucum not X Rhododendron calendulaceum 'Smoky Mountaineer'] (Tested as 3X)
[(prunifolium X arborescens) X Rhododendron calendulaceum 'Smoky Mountaineer'] (Tested as 3X)
Every one at the dinner was given a seedling of the following:
Rhododendron calendulaceum "Skinner #166' X Rhododendron calendulaceum'Cherokee'
These seedlings were grown on by
Lindy Johnson
Appalachian Native Plants
676 Waddell Road
PO Box 736
Mountain City, TN 37683
Cross of the Year for 2010
'Marydel' X R. calendulaceum 'Smokey Mountaineer'
['Hachmann's Polaris' X ('Scarlet Romance' X 'Red Bomber')]
Cross of the Year for 2009
'Marydel' X R. colemanii
'Vinecrest' X 'Planeta'