Forwarding this info from Sally & John Perkins, P4M Co-chair.
Saturday, April 30th the 2011 P4M Sale will be held at Planeview Nursery in Rhode Island.
10 AM for workers/volunteers.
10 AM for workers/volunteers.
11 AM -1 PM for all other Chapter members.
Workers/Volunteers will be sent their forms by either email or snail mail to be returned to Fred Knippel.
The Availability List is posted here:
Workers/Volunteers will be sent their forms by either email or snail mail to be returned to Fred Knippel.
The Availability List is posted here:
This is a great opportunity to try new plants that your fellow Chapter members consider choice for a very reasonable price.
Contact John Perkins for more information at
Saturday, April 23 at 12:00 PM we will have the Van Veen order distribution and sale.
Orders should be picked up between 12 noon and 1:30 PM.
Many extra plants have been ordered, so you don't need to have pre-ordered to purchase rhododendrons and azaleas.
See the latest Newsletter for details.
Joe Bruso