Code | Name | Type | Hybridizer/Selector |
19 | R. atlanticum Choptank River strain pink with white | sp dec az | |
75 | 'Ben Morrison' yellow pink, white margin | ev az | Creech |
127 | 'Yuka' white, occasional pink areas, -5degF | ev az | Hill/Rokujo |
201 | 'Accomac' red, H3-2, early | hy | Dexter |
206 | 'Alice Poore' | hy | Dexter |
207 | 'Amethyst' purple, H2, 4" flowers | hy | Dexter |
212 | 'Ashes of Roses' H3 (fortunei hybrid) | hy | Dexter |
213 | 'Avondale' brick red, H2 (fortunei x haematodes x Pygmalion)(SW 12507-6) | hy | Dexter |
214 | 'Barnstable' salmon-pink, H2, fragrant, 4" flower (Brown #1) | hy | Dexter |
215 | 'Bass River' pink, H2, 4" flower with spots (Brown #14) | hy | Dexter |
216 | 'Beauty of Halesite' | hy | Dexter |
217 | 'Ben Moseley' red pink with brown blotch, H2 | hy | Dexter |
225 | 'Champagne' pink apricot, H3 | hy | Dexter |
227 | 'Chatham' frilled pink, H2 | hy | Dexter |
229 | 'Clover Coe' | hy | Dexter |
243 | 'Dexter's Orange' rose & yellow, compact, H3-4 | hy | Dexter |
245 | 'Dexter's Peppermint' lt ruf pink, fragrant, H3 | hy | Dexter |
255 | 'Dorothy Russell' red, H2 | hy | Dexter |
264 | 'Flaming Snow' white, -10degF | hy | Dexter |
267 | 'GiGi' (Ross GG) red, H2, dark striping | hy | Dexter |
270 | 'Great Eastern' (Dexter 109) dark pink, H2 | hy | Dexter |
275 | 'Helen Everitt' white, H2, fragrant (F2 Dexter) | hy | Dexter/Everitt |
278 | 'Dexter's Honeydew' (='True Love') | hy | Dexter |
295 | 'Merley Cream' pale pink cream, H2 | hy | Dexter |
299 | 'Nathan Hale' rose, dark flare, H3, fragrant | hy | Dexter |
302 | 'Newburyport Charm' pink bud, opens white | hy | Dexter |
318 | 'Sagamore Bridge' (Dexter #180) rose with gold blotch | hy | Dexter |
319 | 'Scintillation' pink with blotch, H2 | hy | Dexter |
326 | 'Tom Everitt' (NY#4, NYBG #205) pink, large flower, H3 | hy | Dexter |
343 | 'Xerox' picotee, red and white | hy | Dexter |
365 | 'Bellringer' #1 creamy white, H2, compact, fragrant (fortunei x wardii) | hy | Consolini |
385 | 'Glenolden' apricot pink (Everitt F2 Dexter o.p.)(Wister 60 R 9) | hy | Wister |
427 | 'Elizabeth' (Kentville) red, H2-3 | hy | Swain/Craig |
471 | R. dauricum 'Midwinter' | sp lep | |
494 | R. mucronulatum 'Mahogany' red | sp lep | |
517 | 'Tom Koenig' pale pink, H3-2, low, lepidote | hy lep | Nearing |
529 | 'Mrs. Tom H. Lowinsky' white, yellow blotch, H2 | hy | |
536 | R. yakushimanum 'Mist Maiden' | sp | Leach |
537 | 'Spring Glory' pink, dark blotch, H2 | hy | Shammarello |
541 | 'Wheatley' (Phipps #2) pale pink, good truss (Westbury x Meadowbrook) | hy | Dexter/Phipps |
552 | 'Dorothy Amateis' purple with blotch, H1-2 | hy | Amateis |
559 | 'Harold Amateis' red, H3-2 (maximum x strigillosum) | hy | Amateis |
560 | 'Pioneer' pink, H1, semi-deciduous, lepidote | hy lep | Gable |
572 | 'Anna Baldsiefen' pink, H2, lepidote | hy lep | W. Baldsiefen |
602 | 'Dora Amateis' white, H2 (carolinianum hybrid) | hy lep | Amateis |
645 | 'Boule de Neige' white, -25degF | hy | Oudien |
652 | 'Unique' yellow, H3 (campylocarpum hybrid) | hy | Slocock |
665 | R. keiskei Tall form | sp lep | |
698 | 'Madame Masson' white, yellow blotch, H2 (catawbiense x ponticum) | hy | Bertin |
729 | 'Judy Spillane' (SW 58-333A) pink, H2-1 (maximum hybrid) | hy | Wister |
732 | 'Bright Prospect' reddish (SW 58-279B)(Scintillation x haematodes) | hy | Dexter |
767 | R. carolinianum album Gable compact form | sp lep | Gable |
822 | 'Anne Glass' white, H2 (Catalgla x decorum) | hy | Gable |
844 | 'Carolina Rose' pink, H2, azaleadendron (carolinianum x roseum) | hy | Knippenberg |
854 | Epoch x augustinii | hy lep | Kehr |
921 | 'Tradition' (Kurume) deep pink, hose-in-hose | ev az | |
986 | 'Mary Kittel' compact, pink, -20degF | hy | Mezitt |
990 | 'Vallya' semi-evergreen, H1-2, pink (mucronulatum hybrid) | hy lep | Mezitt |
991 | 'Balta' white, H1, (PJM x carolinianum) | hy lep | Mezitt |
1053 | 'Rowland Cary' (H1-2) | hy | Cary |
1092 | 'Brandywine' pink, small leaves, -10degF (pubescens x keiskei) | hy lep | Nearing |
1119 | R. keiskei cordifolium | sp lep | |
1138 | 'Pickering' cream flushed pink, H3 (Catalgla x (fortunei x campylogynum)) | hy | Herbert |
1144 | Purple Splendour x fortunei | hy | Hardgrove |
1158 | SW 58-281B bright pink, medium tall | hy | Wister |
1163 | R. yakushimanum dwarf seedling, H1-2 | sp | Becales |
1187 | racemosum x 'Tessa' pink, tall, -10degF | hy lep | |
1194 | 'Eileen Hall' (=Hall P2) | hy | Hall |
1196 | 'Pride of Split Rock' bright pink, H2 (racemosum hybrid) | hy lep | |
1201 | Phipps #32 | hy | Dexter |
1260 | 'Evcor' (Everitt's Coral) coral pink | hy | Dexter |
1368 | 'Chesapeake' small leaf, cream, H2 (keiskei hybrid) | hy lep | Nearing |
1383 | 'War Dance' red, -10degF (Mars hybrid) | hy | Brown |
1397 | 'Souvenir of Anthony Waterer' red, yellow blotch | hy | Waterer |
1437 | 'Dextanea' white with brown blotch, H1 | hy | Nearing |
1447 | 'Fabanea' (Fabia x Catanea) light red, H2 | hy | Nearing |
1469 | 'Hardgrove's Salmon Red' small, pale pink, H3-2, indumentum | hy | Hardgrove |
1473 | 'Hotei' yellow, -5degF (wardii hybrid) | hy | Sifferman |
1479 | R. kiusianum 'Benisume', deep rose pink | sp ev az | |
1487 | 'Loderi' hardy form white, 0degF | hy | Loder |
1518 | 'Westport Point' (R. racemosum x minus) x ciliatum | hy lep | |
1528 | R. smirnowii -20 | sp | |
1559 | 'Yellow Eye' cream, yellow flare, H1-2 (Wyanokie hybrid) | hy lep | Delp |
1583 | 'Golden Sands' (Mary Belle x (vernicosum x Dexter's Orange)) | hy | Becales |
1602 | 'Cloud Nine' white, H2 (fortunei hybrid) | hy | Haag |
1666 | 'Ruth Davis' (metternichii x yakushimanum) | hy | Gable/Davis |
1680 | 'Governor's Mansion' purple, orange blotch (North Carolina) | hy | Dexter |
1694 | R. kiusianum 'Miyama Komachu' | sp ev az | |
1708 | R. adenophorum Greer | sp | |
1716 | R. pseudochrysanthum 'Ben Nelson' -5degF | sp | |
1717 | 'Leah Yates' (Mars selfed) red, white flare, H2 | hy | Yates/Gable |
1786 | 'Surprise' (Glenn Dale) pink & white, low | ev az | Morrison |
1873 | ('Dora Amateis' x mucronulatum) | hy lep | |
1943 | R. haematodes Dexter form (probably hybrid) | sp | Dexter |
2010 | 'Turkish Delight' large pink, H1 | hy | |
2030 | 'Cara Reid' (Reid 5-77) compact, pink | hy | H. Reid |
2041 | 'Janet Reid' | hy | H. Reid |
2060 | 'Nuance' "orange-yellow blushed purpley pink" | hy | Leach |
2076 | 'Aviva Ann' (yakushimanum x 'Mars') pink, H2 | hy | Brooks |
2181 | 'Georgette of Quail Hollow' pink, H3-2 | hy | Dexter |
2269 | R. yakushimanum 'Pink Parasol' 73-093 | sp | |
2302 | 'Andrew Paton' white, raspberry blotch, -10degF ('Scintillation' x calophytum) | hy | Swift |
2303 | 'Brick Dust' yellow rose, H3, compact (williamsianum hybrid) | hy | Henry |
2355 | 'Belona' pink, -5degF (yakushimanum hybrid) | hy | Hachmann |
2356 | 'Goldkrone' yellow, red spots, -5degF (wardii hybrid) | hy | Hachmann |
2357 | 'Banana Flip' pale yellow (fauriei hybrid) | hy | Hachmann |
2376 | 'Morgenrot' red, -10degF (yakushimanum hybrid) | hy | Hachmann |
2523 | 'Grace Seabrook' red, H3 (strigillosum hybrid) | hy | Seabrook |
2526 | 'Marion Street' light pink (yakushimanum hybrid) | hy | Street |
2562 | 'Gosh Darn' pale yellow, H2 ('Catalgla' x 'Mrs. H. R. Yates') | hy | Delp |
2565 | (carolinianum tetra. x fastigiatum) (#2) named Delp's Carefree | hy lep | Delp |
2634 | chapmanii x keiskei (Southland) | hy lep | Kerr |
2649 | 'Dorothy Swift' appleblossom, H1 (Smiryak' #65024-1) | hy | Mehlquist |
2654 | 'DB-37' very large pinkish lavender, -10degF fortunei selection | hy | Pike/Barber |
2680 | 'N-73-7' pink & yellow, H4-3 (smirnowii x vernicosum) | hy | Nearing |
2684 | 'Duke of York' A.M. pink, H3-2 (fortunei x Scipio) | hy | Paul (1894) |
2726 | 'Intaglio' white, pink flush, -20degF, prostrate | hy | Foster |
2868 | 'Daphne' white, lav margin, H3-2 (Kurume) | ev az | Domoto |
2882 | 'Crawley' pink (yakushimanum hybrid) compact | hy | Reese |
2887 | (bureavii x yakushimanum 'Ken Janek') | hy | Smith,C. |
2928 | 'Babylon' pink, H2, early | hy | Reuthe |
2939 | 'Pink Sherbet' deep pink, -15degF (yakushimanum hybrid) | hy | Larson/Davis |
3086 | 'Scarlet Glow' red, H2 (catawbiense hybrid) | hy | Shammarello |
3104 | 'G. E. Jones' (yakushimanum x Sappho)(a.k.a. Gordon Jones) | hy | Brock,W. |
3110 | 'Double Dip' white, H2, tall (catawbiense x yakushimanum) | hy | Gable |
3142 | 'Great Smokey' | hy | Haag |
3178 | Medusa x smirnowii | hy | Bovee |
3257 | 'Bea MacDonald' ='HE(EC) 83-85' (Heritage) | hy | Cowles/Collins |
3403 | 'Kathy' white, low, H2 (= Kathy Ann #4689 and Girard's Kathy) | ev az | Girard |
3456 | 'Tom Thumb' crimson ('Mars' x 'Cathaem') | hy | Gable |
3461 | R. kiusianum 'Benchidori' | sp ev az | |
3476 | 'Beni Kirishima' orange red, late (= #1989) | ev az | Satsuki |
3508 | 'KN beige #5' (near big hemlock) salmon beige | hy | Knippenberg |
3517 | 'Crimson Pippin' red, -10degF (yakushimanum x haemaleum) | hy | Larson |
3534 | 'Joe Paterno' good white, H2 (catawbiense hybrid) | hy | Pride |
3563 | 'Olin O. Dobbs' reddish purple, -15degF ('Mars' x 'Purple Splendour') | hy | Dobbs/Greer |
3565 | 'Dr. Flemming' pale apricot, H2 | hy | Pride |
3676 | yakushimanum x calophytum | hy | Ellanhurst |
3711 | 'Edith Bosley' deep purple, black blotch | hy | |
3896 | 'Jane Grant' (yakushimanum x smirnowii) | hy | Mehlquist |
3981 | 'Laurelwood Persimmon' (Mayday x hyperythrum) | hy | Knippenberg |
4069 | R. yakushimanum JD #18 dwarf | sp | D. Smith |
4079 | R. yakushimanum #9 (J. D. Vertree selection) | sp | D. Smith |
4097 | 'Forsterianum' white, yellow flare | hy | Forster |
4134 | 'Wynterset White' white ('Snow' is an invalid name) | hy | Kordus |
4137 | 'Nepal' white, waxy flowers, -25degF (catawbiense hybrid) | hy | Leach |
4210 | 'Maud Corning' (Brittania x Skyglow) | hy | Dexter |
4238 | (maximum x (beanianum x yak)) #2 rose-red, very late | hy | Ring |
4447 | 'K's Special' large white, red throat | ev az | Kinney |
4525 | R. kiusianum coral pink | sp ev az | |
4574 | 'Lavendar Lady' deep red | hy | |
4623 | Murcott 72-76 x wardii | hy | |
4640 | 'Kickoff' | hy | Delp |
4677 | Hall MacDonald # 2 | hy | M Hall/MacDonald |
4696 | 'Jericho' yellow, H2, lepidote | hy lep | Leach |
4708 | 'Irresistible' (SW 279-I)(Scintillation x haematodes) | hy | Wister |
4717 | 'Pink Butterflies' multihued pink, late, -5degF | hy | Dexter/Leonard |
4723 | 'Holly Hill's Late Pink' end of June, -15degF | ev az | Schroeder |
4751 | 'Conewago' lilac rose, early, -25deg (minus x mucronulatum) | hy lep | Gable |
4762 | 'Freckleface' pale pink with reddish spots (Consolini 80-31)( from Bald Hill?) | hy | Consolini |
4764 | R. mucronulatum 'Pink Peignoir' | sp lep | |
4770 | 'Aglo' bright pink, red throat | hy lep | Mezitt |
4777 | 'Manitau' light pink (Windbeam o.p. seedling) (Conestoga hybrid) | hy lep | Nearing |
4827 | Calsap #2 (Catalgla x Sappho) | hy | Michener |
4829 | 'Big Deal' pale yellow | hy | Mezitt |
4849 | 'Heman Howard' white center, pale purple margins, -5deg (HE255-71)(Heritage) | hy | Cowles |
4855 | 'Glacier Queen' | hy | Mezitt |
4890 | 'Summer Snow' white, -15deg, late (maximum hybrid) | hy | Leach |
4896 | R. houlstonii Planting Fields form (= fortunei var. discolor) | sp | |
4898 | 'Hardgroves' April Snow' | hy | |
4900 | R. kiusianum 'Mountain Gem' (RSF 83/043) | sp ev az | |
4903 | R. mucronulatum 'Waka Mirasaki' pink with white throat, semi-double | sp lep | |
4923 | 'Ernie's Yellow' clear medium yellow, domed | hy | Berube/MacDonald |
4953 | HE 508-69 (Heritage) | hy | Cowles |
4980 | 'Don Kellam' (HE 10-84) orange (Heritage) | hy | Cowles |
5037 | R. kiusianum pink RSF | sp ev az | |
5048 | 'Casanova' | hy | Leach |
5051 | 'Red River' bicolor (maximum Mt. Mitchell x Mars x America) | hy | Pride |
5076 | 'Beni Kagani (Satsuki) | ev az | |
5104 | 'Nadia' | hy | Dexter |
5113 | 'Fedora open pollinated' "Canobie Sunset' salmon pink | ev az | Perkins |
5147 | (Janet Blair x Goldsworth Orange) #6 pink with cream center | hy | P Lawson |
5181 | 'Christine Goss' purple/violet, bud hardy to -17degF (P8605F) | hy | J Parks |
5197 | HE(EC)F-1-85 | hy | Dexter? |
5212 | HP 279-72 | hy | |
5220 | (bureavii x yakushimanum) Hatch small clone | hy | Hatch |
5229 | 'Alena' white, fragrant | hy | |
5230 | 'Long Island' fragrant double white, hardy to Zone 5 | hy | |
5232 | 'Red Quest' (Weston) | hy | Mezitt |
5256 | R. kaempferi leucanthum RSF 81/095 | sp ev az | |
5281 | R. carolinianum 'White Perfection' | sp lep | |
5302 | 'April Rose' | hy lep | |
5316 | 'Dick Leonard' pale lavender, maroon throat, fragrant | hy | Leonard/Brown |
5320 | (Janet Blair x Heritage #141-75) | hy | |
5331 | 'Scarlet Romance' red | hy | Mehlquist |
5363 | 'Gene's Candy Stripe' | dec az | Gingras |
5494 | R. sanctum Zeke deciduous | sp dec az | |
5527 | 'Landmark' | hy lep | Mezitt |
5541 | 'April Song' | hy lep | Mezitt |
5637 | 'Aesthetica' | hy | Lancaster |
5646 | 'Golfer' | hy | Berg |
5725 | 'Azurika' | hy lep | |
5822 | 'J. S. Salmon' JS#7 | hy | |
5830 | Dexter's Last Pink | hy | Dexter |
5861 | Pressey's Peachy (Pale pink-yellow flare/-15) | hy | |
5870 | 'April Mist' (Pale lavender/double) | hy lep | |
5875 | 'Rona Pink' | hy | |
5892 | Hayden #1 white | hy | |
5893 | Hayden #2 pale pink | hy | |
5894 | Hayden #3 lavender | hy | |
5899 | 'Lynn R. Steinman' (Pink, double) | hy lep | |
5907 | Cowle's BM 1-8-86 JB 2-88 91S-264 | hy | |
5922 | BG #34 (JL 4-88) | hy | Leonard |
5929 | (makinoi x R. pachysanthum) | hy | |
5993 | BG-10 | hy | Cole |
6022 | 'Winterset White' same as "Wynterset White" #4134 | hy | |
6025 | 'Bikini Island' (red) | hy | Leach |
6109 | 'Jenny Tabol' fragrant yellow | hy | |
6125 | Heck's (Labar's White x Loderi King George) | hy | Barber |
6130 | Heck's ('Serendipity x brachycarpum Tigerstedtii) yellow early dwarf (was incorrect brachyc.x aureum), | hy | Barber |
6230 | 'Golden Harvest' | hy | Rhein |
6242 | 'Lorry Roeder' ((yak x rex)#4) ruffled white, red blotch/spots | hy | Patterson |
6247 | (Madrid x Limeaide); Pale lavender/purple blotch | hy | Troutman?/Hibben |
6296 | 'April Joy' pink double | hy lep | Weston |
6297 | 'Damaris' red | ev az | GlennDale |
6358 | SAE #1; Pink bicolor. | hy | |
6360 | Everitt #15; pink | hy | |
6364 | R. yakushimanum 'Van Zile'; white new growth; -10F | sp | |
6365 | 'Amber Mist' (aka Ada Lohr) (Janet Blair x Ice Cube) | hy | Blough, Robert |
6384 | Peppermint Twist; Pink, EM (hyperythrum x Princess Elizabeth) | hy | Thornton |
6414 | Rhein's Durango | hy | Rhein |
6430 | pseudochrysanthum x Whitney's Orange) orange pink | hy | Whitney |
6437 | 'Purple Passion' deep purple dark eye | hy | |
6464 | Lorna | ||
6470 | R. kiusianum 'Fujimasame' RSF | sp. ev. Az | |
6471 | 'Pekka' | hy | |
6472 | Polarnacht | hy | |
6473 | R. nakaharae Harry Wise form | sp ev az | |
6474 | praevernum hybrid | hy | |
6475 | RHW Circle Entrance pink fragrant late | hy | |
6476 | RHW Light Post pink fragrant late | hy | |
6477 | RHW Planting Garden pink fragrant late | hy | |
6478 | Amanda Joan Young (purplish pink with yellow spots) | hy | Anderson |
6479 | Pleasant Bay Fragrance (pale pink or white) | hy | Daniel |
6480 | R. wardii var. wardii (pale yellow) | sp | Patterson |
6481 | Heck's Late Soft Pink | hy | Barber |
6482 | Smoke Signal lav | hy lep | Delp |
H: Monday, April 18, 2011
P4M 2011 Availability list