H: Friday, January 15, 2010

Mass Chapter ARS News

Reminder:  Our January meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, 1:30 PM at Elm Bank's Putnam building.
Please see the January Newsletter in my previous email for details.
Important notice:  If you have not yet paid your dues for 2010, please do so promptly.  I will shortly be removing from this email distribution list the addresses of anyone who has not paid dues.  You will, of course no longer receive publications mailed to your house.
To renew, please mail your check to our Treasurer as follows:
James Aplin
210 Charles River St.
Needham, MA  02491
or contact him at 978.443.8994 to make arrangements.
Finally, attached is a flyer about an upcoming event for the North American Rock Garden Society that you might find of interest.  NARGS is an organization with much in common with our own ARS.
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