H: Saturday, December 27, 2008

Van Veen Rhododendron Order - Last Call

Last chance to submit your rhododendron order for the 2009 Van Veen group order.  Anyone who still plans to submit an order should do so by tomorrow (Sunday) night.  If you have misplaced your order form, let me know and I'll be happy to e-mail you another copy.
I will be sending out a list of the special RareFind plants at a later time.  I will allow pre-ordering of some of these plants on a first-come first-served basis.
Note:  This email, and all emails you get from me are sent to ALL local Mass Chapter members for whom I have an email address (200 plus people).  It is sent out "blind", so that you can see only my address and your own, but not that of other members.  This is for privacy reasons.
If you don't intend to submit an order, you need not respond to this note - this isn't a personal note to you and I won't be offended if I get no response.
Joe Bruso

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