one another using iframes, a user may enter a site then go to another
and then back to the original causing the user to be nested multiple
layers deep in one or more of the sites.
Although this causes no real problems functionally it does reduce the
viewing space for information on the inner sites.
To help the user reduce this nesting when so desired, most iframes
will have an associated direct link to the site being iframed.
Users of modern browsers are able to right click on links allowing
them to be opened in a new window or in a new tab thereby reducing
Use of the outer most navigation menus will also reduce nesting.
For example if you go to the portal click on the blog and then click
on the schedule link in the blog you are looking at the schedule on
the portal but are also nested portal/portal/schedule. This is why
there are 2 sets of portal menu bars.
Clicking on the outer most schedule button of the portal when looking
at the blog would have avoided this nesting. The schedule button
places you inside the portal looking at the schedule.
Clicking on the schedule enter link directly above the schedule will
place you directly in the schedule. Right clicking on this schedule
enter link and opening in a new tab provides you a portal tab and a
schedule tab.
Celebrating 10 Years on the Web
John and Sally Perkins
Salem, NH