H: Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ted and the October Foilage Show

Dear Board,

Thanks for making the October Meeting with its Foliage Show and
Cutting Exchange a success. Special kudos should go to Ted for his
excellent presentation. The amount of work involved is staggering, but
it should be a wonderful tool. Ted, you're putting the Mass Chapter on
the map. Janet, again thanks for your amazing ability to make
something happen virtually overnight. The frame made the certificate
for George look very impressive. Susan and C.J. made mounting the show
look effortless. Rhodies really do have wonderful foliage. Thanks.
Betty, congratulations on the newly endowed award for Best in Show in
your name. Your work for the Chapter makes the award an even bigger
prize to strive for.

Joe has said that he wants to revisit our strategy with MassHort at
the next meeting. If we are going to raise hell about the contract, we
should do it sooner rather than later. I put in a call to Thomas last
week about the internship and the Truss Show location and have heard
nothing yet. Unfortunately, Doug and I are getting into a period where
we have little time for anything besides family - wedding, etc. These
things never come when you want them, do they? Anyway, all can be
thinking carefully about what will be most productive for ARS.
Remember, the continued discussion about records – where they are,
what we should be saving and where – will also be on the agenda.

Happy Halloween.

Susan and Doug Harding

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