H: Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Chapter Board Meeting July 12

Agenda for ARS Mass Chapter Meeting Wednesday, 7/12/06
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Conference Room at Waltham Field Station, 2nd Floor

7:30 p.m. Presidents' Report

Meeting with Mass Hort

Nasami Farm Trip

7:45 p.m. Secretary's Report, pro-tem, June meeting
Susan Harding

7:48 p.m. Treasurer's Report

$ from Plant Sale, etc.

Website costs to budget

8:00 Old Business (Does continuing seem more appropriate term??)

Program for 2006 – 2007
Clark, et al

In general; September meeting in particular

P4M – plant sale just past, current activities, future
plans Knippel, Perkins


Display Garden

Woodland Garden Project
Carlhian, Clark, et al

8:30 New Business

Meeting Locations for Board

Board List of Positions - handout

Roundtable Discussions

What, where, when

Topics for board review/reevaluation, recommendation.

We envision one topic per board meeting. We
can make a list and schedule:

Coordination with other ARS chapters or Plant Societies

Display Garden

Educational Outreach

Field Trips

Mass Hort Relationship

Membership (recruitment and involvement)



The point is to thoroughly know why we do what we do, and
decide to continue as is or to try some changes or enhancements. Every
aspect should be explored at one time or another. This list is
alphabetical, not according to any perceived priority.

Other Business

Please let us know so it can become a part of the agenda.
Surprises are acceptable, but not preferable. This is a draft since we
still do not know where the meeting will take place. Summer is sooo

9:00 p.m. Adjourn

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